President Bush To Add Kingdom Of Heaven To Axis Of Evil
5 October 2005 10:00 PM and just just in time for the Daily Show
Crawford Ranch, TX (AP Diddy, and it don’t stop)
In a move that angered President Bush’s evangelical Christian voter base and baffled theologians and religious experts worldwide, the President announced that he is considering adding God’s Kingdom of Heaven to his Axis Of Evil.
The announcement came while Bush was on vacation in Texas, taking the time out to look out of a nearby window and count butterflies. He was reminded that he should be assessing Texas’ preparedness for upcoming Hurricane Rita. He was surrounded by high-profile leaders in the religious community when he made the announcement.
“Let’s look at this reasonably,” said Bush. “America is being devastated by these storms, and these storms have a history of coming onto American soil and wreaking havoc on innocent citizens. Even before terrorism was invented by Ay-rabs, we have been bombarded with all sort of natural ‘phenomena.’” At that point, Bush made the clichéd “quote marks” with his fingers. The President went on to say “I am going to do what no other President should have done, including that toad Bill Clinton. I am going to present this case to the United Nations, and prepare a team of weapons inspectors to be dispatched into the Kingdom of Heaven, so we can see what the heck’s going on up there.”
When asked about the logistics of sending live human beings to Heaven and expecting them to return, Bush was alarmingly optimistic. “How hard can it be to send a team of people to God’s Kingdom? I’m sure that we have dedicated individuals who will be willing to make the sacrifice, especially when they hear that Halliburton will be providing support and stipends for the obviously long journey. How long DOES it take for a plane or something to reach Heaven, Bishop?” A visibly stunned Bishop T.D. Jakes shook his head and sunk into his chair, pulled out his Ipod Nano, and spent the rest of the press conference listening to his “Sacred Jukin’ And Getting Your Holy Shake On” songs.
“I will use the same intelligence and data that justified our attack –er, liberation of Iraq. I hope that the Kingdom of Heaven, as well as its emissaries here on Earth, will cooperate fully with our team of investigators. But based on these ‘natural disasters’…” (again with the quote marks) “…it is apparent that someone up there hopes to do harm. Perhaps they don’t like our freedom. The evidence is there that our shores face a celestial threat like never before. Perhaps, somehow, Al Qaeda is responsible. If we don’t receive access to Heaven’s weapons program, including the building programs for hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, wildfires and liberals, then we will have no choice but to consider that the Kingdom of Heaven does not have America’s best interests at heart. And if that’s the case, then this administration will have no choice but to classify acts of God as ‘weapons of mass destruction’ and to add Jehovah bin Laden and his regime to the Axis of Evil, putting them in the company of China, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Canada and Hollywood. Especially Hollywood, except for the fine folks at the Fox Network.”
Pat Robertson, known throughout the world as the squinty-eyed lunatic who prayed for the deaths of Supreme Court Justices, attempted to redirect the President towards a more terrestrial target, such as Venezuela or Las Vegas. “Clearly, our President is just as disturbed by these natural phenomena as any one of us, especially when it happens here in America, and not in pagan underdeveloped third world hellholes like Calcutta, Somalia, or New York City. But our President is a God-fearing Christian, who clearly understands what happens when he attempts to question God’s wisdom. I’m sure that our President, who we all prayed for that he’d get elected, knows which side his bread is buttered on, if you catch my drift. Also, all President Bush needs to do is remember when Lucifer attempted to jihad the Kingdom, like some crazed celestial terrorist.”
President Bush was undaunted by the implication. “I appreciate Rev. Robertson’s concern, but the good reverend underestimates good old fashioned American savvy and intelligence. After all, God ordained the United States to be the superpower that it is. With that kind of blessing, we can take on any force that threatens this country. Even if that threat is from Heaven. Besides, if we were to engage in a protracted battle against the Kingdom of Heaven, what’s the worst that could happen?”
James Dobson, head of right-wing Christian group Focus On The Family, immediately denounced President Bush as a heretic and called for evangelical groups nationwide to support a more Christian, level-headed, God-fearing representative. When asked for suggestions, Dobson answered by saying “I hear that this Patrick Buchanan fellow is a pretty moderate guy. Perhaps Buchanan might be interested in running for President in 2008.”