Everything seems to be "coming out" about Barack Obama, the level that Fox News and conservatives are willing to reach is approaching levels that have Chinese acrobats gasping in awe. I saw a blog that featured my former pastor, Rev. James T. Meeks, in a sermon where he railed against "house niggers" who are towing the party line and not doing what they can in regards to the quality of education in Chicago. Rev. Meeks (who's also a state senator from Illinois) also compared the mayor to a slave-master. Now, Fox News and Sean (Goebbels) Hannity are using a sermon from Meeks as a way to "prove" that Obama has "racist" spiritual advisers.
Once again, I must also bring up the fact that McCain's spiritual advisers, and those who he actively sought endorsements for, have said far more dangerous things when they mix religion and politics. I won't even get into all of the things that Rev. Meeks and his church have done FOR the community (all of which goes against the stereotype that a mega-church insulates itself from the community that it serves -- Meeks' church gets out in the streets and do the work of God quite a few times).
Something else that just occurred to me: All of these White evangelicals talk about how the Body of Christ is under attack from the enemy. Yet, they are silent when BLACK members of the Body of Christ are being scrutinized like this, while they get to enjoy their luxurious position of being able to say that God has ordained this unholy war that has now started it's 6TH YEAR with over 4,000 men and women killed. They are silent when Wright, Meeks, and God knows who else are being scrutinized, but if someone called them out, they'd be calling for their supporters to pray that "the librul media" gets cancer and dies or something ridiculous like that.
The Conservative Right Evangelical Movement, the Religious Right, the Moral Majority, Christian men who speak the word of God are being attacked, and you are silently letting them fend for themselves. You may not agree with Wright's belief that the war isn't just, and you may not agree with Meeks in regards to education, but the one thing that you are supposed to be in unity about is the Word of God. Your silence while men of God are being persecuted is very telling. But you keep on doing what you're doing. You keep on endorsing a politician who is testing the waters for an invasion of Iran because of an imaginary Al-Qaeda presence. You keep on endorsing a politician who expresses his love for his country by promising to send more and more men and women into a Middle-Eastern cataclysm that you created. You keep on telling people that this is a God-ordained function to "rid the world" of an "undesirable" faith. You keep on blurring the lines between Church and State, while standing silent when your opponent's CHRISTIAN spiritual adviser faces these accusations alone. No, really. Go right ahead and be silent while churches like Rev. Wright's continue to advocate the power of self-reliance and faith in God, and not in government, which you claim to corner the market on. As a Black Christian man, I don't need for your hypocritical Sadducee/Pharisee ilk to stand up when the Body of Christ is being attacked. We're in spiritual warfare, and you are sitting on the sidelines.
We, the men and women of God... we got this. Y'all just keep the bench warm and the Gatorade ready.