Friday, January 02, 2009

Shame On Bobby Rush, Shame On Roland Burris

My thoughts on Roland Burris accepting Rod Blagojevich's appointment to the U.S. Senate, to fill President-Elect Barack Obama's Senate seat...

Shame on Bobby Rush.

Shame on Bobby Rush for trying to inject race into this issue, by saying that a rejection of Burris is based on Burris' race. Shame on him for using loaded terms like "lynching" to describe the obvious obstacles that Burris is going to face in regards to getting seated as a Senator. Blago is as tainted as they come, and ANYONE who would've accepted Blago's offer at this point comes with Blago's stink all over them. Rush actually said:
"I would ask you the not hang or lynch the appointee as you castigate the appointer and separate the appointee from the appointer... Roland Burris is worthy and he is the only one who can stand in the gap during this time and gather the confidence, re-establishing confidence of the people of the state of Illinois."

"...not hang or lynch..."? This is a terrible (albeit deliberate) choice of words for Rush to use in support of Burris. Contrary to Rush's assertion, how can anyone separate the appointer from the appointee, in light of Blago's history of grandstanding, and especially in this bold-faced, "I DARE you to stop me" move? You can't. Would Rush be so quick to use racially-tinged language if Blago had appointed a white person? I doubt it. In fact, if Blago HAD appointed a white person to fill Obama's seat, Rush would be one of the first to *ahem* lynch Blago for such a selection. After all, Rush also said:

"There are no African-Americans in the Senate, and I don't think that anyone, any U.S. Senator who is sitting right now would want to go on record to deny one African-American from being seated in the U.S. Senate. I don't think they want to go on record doing that."

This is exactly what's wrong with Black politicians, and especially Black politicians within the Democratic Party. Are we supposed to accept that ANY Black person will fit the bill, so long as they're black? We didn't elect Obama (or Carol Moseley Braun [buyer's remorse kicking in... LOL...]) because they were Black. We elected them because we thought that they would best represent the state of Illinois in the United States Senate. Rush's sentiment plays exactly to the kind of pandering that Blago has done throughout his career, and it's exactly why Blago rolled the dice with Burris as his appointee. Blago wants the recognition of appointing another Black person to the Senate, and he wants us to believe that picking Burris has nothing to do with Blago himself. Bullshucks, I say.

Shame On Roland Burris.

Roland has gone down in history as the first Black person in Illinois elected to a statewide office (Illinois Comptroller). Although he couldn't win the gubernatorial primaries in Illinois, and although he was unsuccessful in his efforts to dethrone King Richard II, Burris has been a respectable politician. At BEST, you can argue about his outsized ego (naming his children Roland II and Rolanda, and him already having his masoleum ready - complete with a list of accomplishments), but there were no scandals or shenanigans connected to him. In another time, a Roland Burris appointment to the U.S. Senate would've been met with "yeah, I can see that" or "I don't have a problem with it." But in this case, I say 'shame on Roland Burris' for accepting the appointment in light of the current circumstances.

Burris wasn't on anyone's short-list to replace Obama, and suddenly, he's at the front of the line. Why? Because of a grandstanding egomaniacal governor who will dare you to do anything about his appointment. Blago appointing Burris has nothing to do with whether or not Burris is qualified for the seat. It's another effort on Blago's part to ingratiate himself to the Black community, but in the absolutely worst possible way imaginable. Blago's comments during the press conference ("Don't let allegations about me taint Burris" or words to that effect) prove that this IS about Blago, and has precious little to do with Burris and his qualifications. If Blago were impeached and Pat Quinn (current Lt. Governor) appointed Burris, I don't think anyone would've had a problem with it. But right now, it stinks, and now Burris has opened himself up to SERIOUS questions about his qualifications, and whether or not any underhanded connections exist between him and Blago.

What should Roland have done? In my opinion, in light of the current situation, Burris should've turned this appointment down. It's entirely too toxic a situation for any rational person to jump into. Just how bad is it? Rep. Danny Davis, who was actively campaigning for this seat, turned it down, because there was too much turmoil involved. Burris should be asking himself this: If Blago felt that Burris was such a stunning choice to fill Obama's seat, then why wasn't the seat offered to Burris in the first place... or at least why wasn't Burris among any of the names mentioned (prior to Blago's arrest) as potential candidates?