Good evening, Great Americans. I'm Bill O'Reilly, and today the O'Reilly Factor, Hannity & Colmes and John Gibson... who really doesn't have a job at Fox News... he just hangs around flinging slurs at homeless bums... have teamed up for this special roundtable discussion on Barack Hussein Obama and his hate-mongering speech at Trinity and...
...wait... he's not at Trinity anymore? @#$#@%@@!*!!! Why the f%#@! doesn't anyone tell me... you know what? Screw it... we'll do it live! Sean?

Thanks, Bill. You're a great American. As you know, I have been doing my best to expose Barack Hussein Obama as an unAmerican terrorist sympathizer who probably eats dog food under Louis Farrakhan's front porch. As much as I tried, I couldn't find anything except the Rev. Wright sermons that I proudly displayed, and to my own credit, I made a United States Marine look like a terrorist. But today, we are analyzing Obama's "Father's Day" speech at the Apostolic Church of God. Now, my minions couldn't find anything hateful about Bishop Arthur Brazier, but we won't give up.
We have two young men with us today, Jamal Pettigrew and Malik DeShae Brown, two urban youths and "baby daddies" who probably want their MF Iced Tea once they leave here. They are here to tell the world that they do not fall for the Obama hype, and that they don't drink the Obama Kool-Aid. Why, I haven't seen Negr- ...er, Black men this intelligent and independent since my good pal Jesse Lee Peterson. Mr. Pettigrew and Mr. Brown have a lot to say about Obama's inciteful comments on Father's Day. Joining us is John Gibson. John?

Thanks, Sean. You're a great American. A great White American. Now, Obama's not a terrorist as far as we know, but his words of "parental responsibility" and "family values" did not resonate with all colore-- errr... African American men. It's no secret that Blacks across the country are voting for Obama because he's one of them. He's a "bro." So, it's quite refreshing to see that jungle bun-- ummm... these Black guys aren't like the rest of the blacks.
(to see the rest of Part 1 of this interview, go here: A Faux News Exclusive! )
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