I don't know about anyone else, but I'm mad at what this day has become, and how it's been exploited.
I'm mad that the Republicans have exploited this tragedy at every opportunity, and used it to perform an end-run around the Constitution and declare war on a nation that had nothing to do with these attacks.
I'm mad at that propaganda snuff film shown at the RNC. That so-called tribute was, and is, a disgraceful way to "honor" anything involving these attacks.
I'm mad that on the one hand, President Bush decided that Osama bin Laden wasn't important enough to focus his (and our military's) attention on, yet John McCain (through his own words and that snuff film) proclaim that he's the only one that can bring Osama to justice. Contrast this with the idiotic Bush press secretary saying that the U.S. doesn't have "super powers" needed to expedite Bin Laden's capture.
I'm mad that this administration chooses to "honor" its soldiers by sending them into conflicts that have nothing to do with this attack, and then subjecting them to the worst-possible care possible. Of all people, veterans of this war should NOT have any health-care woes, period. Veterans of this war should NOT have to deal with treasonously sluggish administrative hang-ups just to get the care they've earned and deserved. Veterans should not have a candidate like McCain claiming to be supportive of them when his criminally tragic voting record (ESPECIALLY considering that -- in case you didn't know -- he was a POW) says otherwise.
I'm mad that the American public fell for the okee-doke boogey man of gay marriage and allowed President Bush to get reelected, especially considering how he catastrophically botched all things post-9/11.
I'm mad that the talking head media nitwits and so-called journalists failed to do their job and allowed the Bush Administration to continue unchecked in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq.
I'm mad that the Democrats punked out when Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House, granting this administration carte blanche to continue its disastrous foreign policy, all under the guise of a 'war on terrorism.'
I'm mad that there is more conversations about lipstick, pigs, fish and pitbulls while this administration "celebrates" 9/11 as "Patriots Day."
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